21 November 2023
4-6 Warwick St Leamington Spa
CV32 5LL
Disruption from AI and machine learning technologies are recognised as a part of the need for innovation in many sectors, important for growth and productivity, but how they are integrated into business practices is a real concern.
This dinner will explore some of the issues and implications of AI in our sector. We will hear about the opportunities and challenges that AI readiness and adoption offers, and about the potential type of AI applications that can benefit professional and financial services. The evening will begin with informal scene setting by Dave Ashworth, Senior Education Technologist at Coventry University, before the discussion is opened up to a round table discussion.
The dinner will take place over a three-course meal in the private dining room at the Star and Garter in Leamington Spa. This dinner is for members only and tickets cost £55 + VAT, total £66.
Click here to book your place.