15 June 2015
The Young Professionals have been incredibly busy over the past couple of weeks with three spring/ summer events. We started with our annual spring social on 29th May, then our June TT on the 5th June, and last Thursday we took part in a summer rounders tournament against the Young Lawyers.
Our spring social took place in Leamington and consisted of cocktails and networking in the White Horse and Leif. We had representation from a wide range of sectors including finance, legal, education, banking, engineering, medical and insolvency. It was great to get to know some of our regular attendees in a more informal and relaxed setting.
Conversation at the YP spring social 2015
Our June TT was held at the Saxon Mill in Warwick. We welcomed two new faces from Wright Hassall, Sam and Tariva, who we hope to see again soon. The business card champagne draw was won by our very own Chair Rebecca Freeman, and the Myton Hospice raffle by myself and Holly Brain jointly. The raffle prize this month was a family membership to Nuffield Health in Warwick.
The conversation at the event mainly revolved around rounders tactics and guessing the allegiances of people who are members of both Young Professionals and Young Lawyers.
Which brings me on to the rounders…After a lot of backwards hits, missed balls, shouting and the odd stellar performance, the rounders tournament was narrowly won by the Young Lawyers by two and a half rounders. We thought we had a secret weapon in the form of local teacher, Emma, who regularly teaches rounders to her class, however the lawyers seemed to have drafted in a professional rounders player who almost hit the ball right out of the park on a number of occasions! Actually, he really was a young lawyer, but if that doesn’t work out he can be sure of a second career option.
At the end of the game we very ably munched our way through 12kg of pizza and it was great to get to know the guys from the Young Lawyers a little better. Hopefully next summer we can challenge the lawyers to a rematch. I should also say thanks to Wright Hassall who sponsored the event.
Our next event will be a Thirsty Thursday networking event in Nuneaton on Thursday 2nd July. Details will be sent to our mailing list very soon. If you’re not on the mailing list email me at C.A.Duxson@warwick.ac.uk and I’ll add you. All our Thirsty Thursday events are free and open to young professionals of any age across Coventry and Warwickshire.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on this blog are those of Chrissie Duxson (or guest contributors) and do not necessarily reflect those of Coventry and Warwickshire First. All content on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of the blog is not responsible for content found by following any link on this site.